
法國瑞士技術合作,高科技抗老、淨白、緊實、保濕、光滑多效合一之美容保養品內服外敷法國瑞士技術合作,高科技醫美級抗老、淨白、緊實、保濕、光滑多效合一之美容保養品內服外敷 關於佛登喬絲FDJ



Fontaine de Jouvence佛登喬絲」是由跨國合作所創立的專業保養品牌,與法國實驗室及瑞士合作,致力研發出符合亞洲人需求的美顏品、保養品與保健品系列,擁有多項優越的生物科技技術,集結多國有效成份,添加獨特的防止老化等成份,並運用最新的多層微脂囊技術製造而成,新系列產品以其獨步全球的創新配方,啟動皮膚新的生命,是頂級的天然抗老系列產品。



1.    安全的堅持:

1.1. 絕不含歐盟規範的 26種有害物質

1.2. 絕不參雜人工香料、化學防腐劑、酒精、人工色素


2.    有效性的堅持:

2.1.        效果=成分活性×傳輸,因此除了有效成分,還要有好的傳輸系統功能。

2.2.        技術:

2.2.1.            領先的包覆技術與製程:Lipson(微脂粒)、微/奈米乳化技術、多層次微載體技術(Multiple Layer Capsulation (MLC)


2.2.2.            運用細胞製程生產高價值原料及調製配方

2.2.3.            天然有機成分萃取及運用

2.2.4.            天然抗菌抗菌成份應用


3.    天然與環保的堅持

3.1.        對於產品成分,多從大自然中找尋合適的有效成分,以免對環境造成污染及破壞,產品研發、生產過程中也朝生物可分解材質運用發展。

3.2.        利用天然植物精油所擁有的香味,來調製產品的氣味。


About Fontaine de Jouvence FDJ

Fontaine de Jouvence is a cosmetic medicine and professional health care brand created through multi-national cooperation. By cooperating with Swiss and a French laboratory and switzerland, we set about to research and develop beauty, skin care and health products that meet the needs of Asian people. In possession of numerous exceptional biotech patents and technology, our products combine together active ingredients from many countries, include exclusively developed anti-free radical agents and are manufactured with the latest multiple layer capsulation technology. The unique innovative formula in our new series of products opens up a new life for skin. It is a top-of-the-line natural anti-aging product series. Its effects are able to match and surpass major international skin care brands.


Commitment to safety:

1.1 Does not contain the 26 hazardous substances listed under EU directives.

1.2 Not adulterated with artificial fragrances, chemical preservatives, alcohol and artificial colors.

1.3 Does not contain the 102 ingredients announced by the Japan Ministry of Health and Welfare that can cause skin disorders and affect health.


2. Commitment to effectiveness:

2.1 Effect active ingredient × transmission. Therefore, in addition to active ingredient, good transmission system is also needed.

2.2 Technology

2.2.1 Leading capsulation technology and processes: Lipson, micro / nano emulsification technology, multiple layer capsulation (MLC)

2.2.2 Use cell processes for high value raw material production and formula preparation

2.2.3 Natural, organic ingredient extraction and use

2.2.4 Natural anti-bacterial ingredient application
